- The method of screening is NOTHING NEW! Now, it’s in the form of a bucket. Trommel screens have been around for over 50 years. The trommel screen is well known for providing maximum screening results in a smaller package. Trommel Screens are used in the roughest conditions when traditional flat or inclined screens are incapable. Trommel screens tumble the material allowing for maximum screen cloth exposure. They do a great job of separating dirt from larger pieces. Trommel screens are the preferred screen for wood and waste. They work excellent in most demolition applications. Many trommel screens are used in TOPSOIL and wet sticky applications. Various screen cloth sizes are available.
- Trommel Screens offer the MAXIMUM amount of screen cloth surface area. Surface area is the ULTIMATE test of screen. The larger the surface area, the more screening capacity. This is industry standard information. Of course, the trommel also combines an unbeatable screening method therefore being the MOST EFFICIENT SCREEN AVAILABLE. For example, a trommel with a diameter of roughly 5’ with length of roughly 5’ will have a surface screening area of over 75 SQUARE FEET. This is the EQUIVALENT OF a 5’W x 16’L INCLINE SCREEN!!! WOW!!! More surface area means higher output!!!
The SCREENKING® Trommel has fewer moving parts than any other screening bucket available. The simplicity of the design means fewer headaches! No fancy additional arms or gadgets. No smoke and mirrors! It is just a BIG TROMMEL in the form of a bucket!
- Operation: There is nothing easier than this. You can screen over a truck! You can screen over an open pipe trench. The finished screened product simply POURS through the screen opening. When finished, NO REVERSING OF THE SCREEN REQUIRED. SIMPLY DUMP THE OVERS OUT!
Built to Last! SCREENKING® is well known for being RUGGED! SCREENKING® has a history of QUALITY and DURABILITY